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Let's build
your manifesto

Welcome to Your Manifesto's free manifesto building tool.


Answer the questions to create your manifesto. Only the "About You" questions are required; the more you fill in, the better your manifesto will be.

Follow our T&C's and avoid entering any personal details. All responses are anonymous. Learn more about how we use data here.

This tool helps you understand your political beliefs, compare with friends, and promote democratic discussions. Thank you for choosing us!

Anchor 1
About you
Anchor 2
Step 1:
Party and Priorities

In this section please state which party you most closely align with and what would be your 3 main priority areas if you were in the Government.


What would be your top three priorities if you were Prime Minister?

In Politics it is not just about your priorities, it's also about the way you govern. Select the option that is most important to you:

Anchor Education
Step 2:
Education Policies

In this section please choose three policies to improve education you would support the most.

Choose Your Top Three Policies
Anchor Defence
Step 3:
Defence and Foreign Policy

With the world looking like an ever more dangerous place defence capabilities and world affairs sit at the top of politicians' priorities 

Step 4:

In 2023 Net Migration was at 672 000, one of the highest recorded levels ever. What would be your policies on immigration?

What should happen to the Rwanda Bill? Select one of the below

Anchor Immigration
Step 5:

In this section, you will be asked to select/come up with health care policies for the NHS.


Anchor Health
Budget Anchor
Step 6:
Set the Budget

Everything Governments do costs money. Balancing the books is vital! Select what you would spend on in each area but watch out that you don't spend too much! We are just focusing on the major areas of spending which currently add up to £772 Billion. Because we are nice we are going to give you £810 Billion to work with. We will then ask you, in the economy and tax section, how you will spend the extra money you saved or raise the money you need.

All the statistics are based on 2022-23 statistics. Source:

Current total:

772.00 Billion


Difference to Budget:

38.00 Billion


Step 7:
Economy and Taxation

In this section, you will be asked to select/come up with health care policies for the NHS.

Anchor Economy
Step 8:
Social Justice, Environment and Climate Change

Recently, environmental issues, climate change and social justice have become increasingly spoken about. Now it is your turn to set out what you think should be done

What are the best set of policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
Should the government participate in international climate agreements?
Anchor Social Justice
Step 9: Employment

In this section please choose the top three policies to improve the world of work that you would support the most.

Choose Your Top Three Policies
Anchor Employment
Step 10:
Welfare State

The welfare state covers all state given benefits and is a source of key political division.

Who should receive benefits? Select all the options you agree with
To what extent should benefits support people who receive benefits? Choose one
Anchor Welfare State
Anchor Transport

Step 11: Transport

In this section, you will be asked to select/come up with transport policies

Finish the sentence "HS2 should...."

Which areas of transportation infrastructure should receive the highest priority for investment?

My top priority for transport is to make it


Step 12:

Our final section offers you the chance to comment on significant constitutional questions and offers you the chance to add a final policy. Additionally, write your manifesto summary, this will appear at the top of Your Manifesto, so make it good!

Finish the sentence. The House of Lords should be...


In 2016 the UK voted to leave the EU. What do you think the UK's policy towards EU membership be?


*Required fields not completed, please complete then resubmit. Required fields are the first 5 questions in the about you section

*Required fields not completed, please complete then resubmit. Required fields are the first 5 questions in the about you section

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